My Case on Behalf of Glucosamine

My Case on Behalf of Glucosamine

By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro

 Before we get started, I am disclosing I am not a doctor, and I am not giving medical advice. What you are about to read is just my personal experience mixed with light internet research.


Glucosamine and chondroitin are popular supplements used to treat osteoarthritis. About 6.5 million adults, or 2.6 percent of the population, have used one or both products

I’ve had issues with my left knee for a long time. It kept me from running for many years. It has always been my weakest link. But just like millions of runners, upon the recommendation of someone who I can no longer remember, I started taking glucosamine many years ago, and somehow, it kept the pain at bay and allowed me to keep running consistently for many years. This is my story, and I am sticking to it.

When I decided to give marathoning another try, as I was eyeing the New York City Marathon, I asked my doctor about Glucosamine. He told me there were no conclusive studies proving that it worked or that it didn’t. His professional recommendation was that if I thought it was beneficial to me, to keep taking it. If not, then don’t bother.

Glucosamine is not cheap. A bottle of the good stuff can go from $40-$50 for a few months’ supply. So, when it was time to replenish the stash, with cash in short supply at that particular time of the month and with the recent lecture from my doctor, I decided to skip it. A couple of weeks later, my knee started to hurt and other joints felt stiffer. How could this be? There was no proof! I ran to the drugstore, got my glucosamine and a week later, the pain was gone. This is all the research I need.


This is the brand I use and the results have been stellar. I don’t need much more research than that.

Then I thought: Of course! Why in the world would a drug company invest time, effort and millions of dollars researching the benefits of glucosamine when every drug store carries ten over-the-counter options from which you can purchase as many as you want, whenever you want? This is no moneymaker. No reason to invest just for the pure pursuit of knowledge. It works for me, and this is all I need to know. I am the research paper my doctor was unable to quote.

Glucosamine has been around since 1876. It is manufactured by processing a polymer from the shells of shellfish, shrimp, lobsters and crabs. It also comes from other animals such as cows and pigs. Newer versions made from fungi and fermented corn have been brought to market to cater the needs of vegetarian consumers.

Glucosamine is a dietary supplement, not a prescription drug. Because of regulations, in the US it is marketed as a supplement to support the structure and function of the joints. It is also directed to people with osteoarthritis. Tests have shown that you can consume up to 1500 mg per day with no adverse effects.

Glucosamine pills usually include a compound named chondroitin. According to WebMd, chondroitin is a substance that occurs naturally in the connective tissues of people and animals. As a supplement in higher doses than is found naturally, chondroitin is also a popular treatment for osteoarthritis. states that “glucosamine and chondroitin are popular supplements used to treat osteoarthritis. According to one estimate, 6.5 million adults, or 2.6 percent of the population, have used one or both products”.

Both glucosamine and chondroitin are usually found in healthy cartilage and have anti-inflammatory properties. “They also have some cartilage-protecting effects through a variety of different mechanisms,” says Chris D’Adamo, PhD, director of Research & Education at the University of Maryland School of Medicine Center for Integrative Medicine.  

Glucosamine and chondroitin protect cells called chondrocytes, which help maintain cartilage structure. In theory, these supplements have the potential to slow cartilage deterioration in the joints, and to reduce pain in the process. 

Sounds good to me!

I take the Kirkland brand with 1500 mg of glucosamine with 1200 mg of chondroitin, and it has worked for me. If I ever forget to take it for a few days or if my resupply delays, my body promptly reminds me. Once again, what additional research do I need?

Please don’t take medical advice from me. I am not a doctor, nor I wish to be one. Glucosamine with chondroitin works for me. If you have joint issues, I suggest you check with a real doctor and then give it a try.

Running with Lymphoma

Running with Lymphoma

By Coach Annamarie McCormick-Howell

 I’ve been a distance runner for years, so when lockdown started in 2020, I was still in my element, as running outdoors in Germany was still allowed and encouraged. I found myself kind of tired as the year went on. I attributed it to the pandemic fatigue so many of us were experiencing, as I was unexpectedly homeschooling my 4-year-old twins and confined to our tiny neighborhood. I completed my birthday run in July, starting my 32nd year with 32 miles and a renewed attitude.

Running with Lymphoma

Before her last cycle of chemo, Annemarie set out to complete a half marathon.

Shortly after that, I started having some mid-back pain. Within a few weeks, I noticed my toes were numb. I was having ascending weakness when I was exercising, and then I began to fall. I went to see a German physiotherapist, thinking I had a herniated disc.

He did an assessment, and then sat me down and said: “Annamarie, do you ever have night sweats?” I knew then that there was a chance something bigger was going on. He helped me navigate the German hospital system, and I was able to get an MRI in early October. The radiologist came to get me afterwards and broke the news that I had a tumor on my spinal cord. He recommended I have surgery immediately, or risk permanent lower limb nerve damage.

I went to the American hospital at Landstuhl but was told they were not comfortable performing the surgery. I would need to take the next medevac flight to Walter Reed Army Medical Center. In one of the hardest days of my life until that point, I left my husband and children and flew to back to the US for a hemilaminectomy.

The surgery was a wild success. I woke up and was walking with full feeling in my legs and feet within the hour. I was elated and asked my neurosurgeon when I’d be able to run again. He laughed, but was supportive of my enthusiasm and, when I left the hospital a few days later, while I waited for the pathology results, he told me I could walk as much as I wanted and to be as active as I could without putting direct pressure on my scar.

The next week, despite feeling good enough to be walking 8-10 miles per day, my world was turned completely upside down. I was diagnosed with lymphoma. The next few days felt like I was in a wind tunnel of information, learning everything I had never wanted to know about cancer. My oncology team was wonderful, and incredibly supportive, from day one.

Running with Lymphoma

Within an hour of her surgery, she asked her neurosurgeon, when would she be able to run again.

I underwent a series of invasive and painful tests and then got a port placed to start chemotherapy. My doctor told me that his patients that manage chemotherapy the best are those able to be the most active throughout.

Feeling beat up, alone, and nearly unrecognizable, I had my first chemotherapy infusion the day before Thanksgiving. I knew that the person I was before cancer was gone, but that I could hang onto the elements that made me feel most like myself, so I got up and walked a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. I started counting down the days (30 more) until I would be allowed to resume running, rotating among long walks, bodyweight strength training, and indoor cycling.

A few days after Christmas, and in the middle of my second cycle of chemotherapy, I got out and did a 3-mile run/walk. This felt as big as any other running accomplishment I had achieved—however small and inconsequential it seemed to anyone else. I began running every other day, not worrying about my pace, just focusing on how my back and tibia felt. I enjoyed the movement and the normalcy. Within a few weeks, I was running almost daily, free of any post-op discomfort.

I set a secret goal to run a half marathon before my last cycle of chemotherapy, scheduled for the first week of March. I found that, no matter how tired or sore I felt, running gave me relief. I felt normal, I forgot that I was bald and bloated and nauseous and a shell of myself. I felt normal, alive, even powerful.

On March 6, 2021, the Saturday before my final cycle of chemo, I set out to run a Chemotherapy Half Marathon. Just over 2 hours later, I finished in front of our new house, smiling and sweaty (such a familiar, proud feeling), noticing that the light in my kids’ room was on, knowing that I had managed to exceed my own expectations, and that I would get to walk inside, a finisher of my first and only Chemotherapy Half Marathon, and be a mom to my kids. A mom who been carried through chemotherapy on a pair of running shoes and a lot of endorphins.

Coach Annamarie McCormick-Howell is an RRCA Certified Running Coach and an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer . She lives in Fort Meade, Md. You can follow her at @amcchowell on Instagram or reach out to her via email at

The Mechanics of the Arm Swing

The Mechanics of the Arm Swing

By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro

Last week I wrote about the first aspect of arm swing biomechanics, which is pushing your elbows back. If you haven’t read that one yet, I invite you to do so by clicking here, before returning to this post. You will find the link back to this one at the end of that post.

US runners usually keep their arms in a 90-100 degree angle and do not cross their bodies as they swing. East Africans use a different technique. This is US Marathon record holder, Ryan Hall.

Pushing backwards is just the first part of the equation and by no means its only part. Many pieces need to be coordinated so the best biomechanical and energy-saving results can be reaped. As with everything else in our sport, it starts with a good posture. There is nothing to gain when you have a beautiful arm swing motion if you are not running upright, leaning forward at the correct angle, and not bending from your waist.

When it comes to arm swing, there are many components that need to work in a coordinated fashion. It must be a seamless symphony of motion between the upper and lower body. One where the arms will complement and enhance what is happening with your legs and feet.

Check what Coach Steve Magness has to say on this subject in his book The Science of Running: “it goes beyond just the arms and legs working in opposition; when they both stop, forward and backward motion is also coordinated. When the arm stops moving forward and is about to reverse direction the opposite leg should reach its maximum knee height before starting its downward movement. Similarly, when the arm reaches its maximum backward movement before switching directions and coming forward, the opposite leg and hip should be at their maximum extension backwards”.

Arms should be relaxed and that starts at the fingertips. When you tighten them in a fist, the rest of the muscles follow the trend upward until you reach the shoulders. This refrains the free flow of the arm swing. The best way to relax that kinetic chain is with the “potato chip technique”.

Pretend you are holding a potato chip between your thumb and index fingers. They are very fragile and will break if you press too hard. As you do this, the remaining three fingers will be forced to relax and easily positioned below the potato chip. This relaxation on your hands will start creeping upwards and relaxing your arms, as long as you are positioned properly. Avoid having your wrists parallel with the road, as it will make the relaxed wrists sag down. They should be perpendicular to the road.

East African runners hold their hands closer to the heart and cross their bodies as they swing. US runners have a different technique. This is Tirunesh Dibaba, from Ethiopia, winner of the 2017 Chicago Marathon, who also has two seconds in London.

Regardless of your arm swing technique, the movement begins at the shoulder, like a pendulum and not from the elbows. From there down, what I like to teach my athletes is to have forearms below the elbow at an angle from 90-100 degrees, with the relaxed hands at the end. As you push back your elbows, the relaxed knuckles should reach the hip, before changing directions. As you began to run faster or sprint, they will automatically start reaching further back.

In his book Run for Your Life, Dr. Mark Cucuzzella goes through his Five Principles of Running. Number 3 is “Use your arms and hands to set your rhythm”. The key here is that when you swing your arms from your shoulders using the strong lower trapezius muscles “your knuckles stay close to your sternum but should not cross your center line”.

As in everything, there is no one-size-fits-all technique when it comes to arm swinging. Elite East African athletes run with their arms tucked closer to their bodies, in an acute angle (about 45 degrees) and with their hands very close to their hearts. They also cross their torsos on the swing. In the US we carry our arms lower and we don’t cross. Regardless of what style you use, they both have relaxed arms, and they both push elbows back.

I tried this East African arm-swing style for myself and I did feel a change in my stride. It became shorter and started falling closer to my center of gravity. But it was exceedingly difficult to keep my arms relaxed in that position and it required extra effort to push my elbows back. My arms became automatically tense. But it works for Eliud Kipchoge and his running buddies, so we can’t discount it.

As for the many benefits of the proper arm swing technique, Dr. Cucuzzella adds that the arm swing will help also in providing stability, counterbalancing the movement of the opposite leg, balancing the pelvis, and helping maintain forward momentum. This alone should be enough for any runner to start paying attention to their arm swing technique, right away.

Please understand this is not a comprehensive research paper on arm swing. There are entire books and studies on this subject. It is just a review on the basics biomechanics and technique so you can understand how important this is in your running form. If you start being aware of your arm swing, you can make your running way more efficient.

The Key to the Arm Swing

The Key to the Arm Swing

By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro

 As a running coach, one of the most common issues I see in running form has nothing to do with heel striking or lack of cadence. It has to do with one of the most important, yet neglected, parts of our running biomechanics: the arm swing.

Key to the Arm Swing

Check that triangle between Meb Keflezighi’s left arm and his torso.

Gordon Pirie, British 3-time Olympian and a 1958 medalist in the 5000, says that “there is a lot more to running correctly than just getting your legs and feet working properly. What you do with your hands and arms is equally important”.

Arm movement balances our running form and usually is the culprit of many of the issues that happen below the waist. Fortunately, arm swing issues are way easier to correct that leg mechanics. A few basic exercises should assist you, unless you have skeletal issues that will prevent you to move your arms in the optimal way.

Grant Robison, a 2004 US Olympian in the 1500, observes that that is easier for runners to adjust their arm motion instead of their legs because arms are always in front of you, thus, they can be seen constantly, so you can really focus on them.

I read about a fascinating series of experiments led by Dr. Rodger Kram starting in 1999, which determined that about 39% of the energy used in running is dedicated to moving forward. Subsequent studies determined that 20% was used to the swing of your legs. When you include supporting your body’s weight and moving forward, you are talking about 90% of your energy use. Interestingly, he also found that the arm swing motion can provide an energy saving effect of 4% compared to not swinging your arms at all. Imagine what you can do with 4% extra energy.

The Key is Pushing Backwards

All the articles and books I’ve read about the biomechanics of running, and racewalking for that matter, agree that the key in the arm swing movement is pushing your elbow backwards. Robison says that “A powerful arm drive is 100 percent backwards. It is just the recoil that brings it forward. The stronger you can drive your arm back, the quicker your turnover will be, and the more reaction your feet will have in relation to that”.

Translation to that last statement: You want more cadence? Swing your arms faster.

I read in a book, but unfortunately, I couldn’t find exactly where so I could quote it and credit it accurately, that the great Meb Keflezighi, in order to find out if his arm swinging mechanics are working, he looks at his shadow. If he sees a triangle of light between his arm and torso, then he knows he is swinging back far enough. I’ve tried this and it works. Most likely you will only see the triangle in one arm, so to see the other one, turn your direction 180 degrees.

Of course there are other aspects of arm swinging that go beyond pushing backwards. For one, your arms need to be loose and your hands relaxed, starting at your fingertips. There can’t be any tension so they can swing back and forth and be part of the symphony of coordinated movement needed to achieve a good and energy efficient stride.

All this cannot be covered in the few hundred words of this blogpost. We will revisit this topic, next week for some additional biomechanical recommendations. In the meantime, start pushing those elbows back and reap the benefits.

If you want to read the follow up post, please click here.

7 Running Myths

7 Running Myths

By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro

As running becomes more popular and there is more money to be invested and made in the sport, snake oils and other bogus claims permeate the popular culture and get hold of our running ethos. While some explanations made sense in the 1920s or the 1980s, science has developed and progressed enough to prove, adjust or disprove most of our understanding on these concepts and their application to running.

These are seven myths that once were held as running gospel that today, no longer apply. Of course, this is not a comprehensive list, it is just a handful of the most prevalent myths of our day and age.

1.      Carbo loading before a race or long run: The carbs we consume throughout the day are metabolized by the body into glycogen, which is the go-to fuel burnt by the body for energy. The amount of glycogen our bodies can story is finite, and it is stored in the liver and muscles. Muscles don’t borrow from each other, so, that 3rd or 4th serving of pasta the night before a race does nothing for you. Actually, it will adversely affect you because your body will be spending energy digesting food it won’t need to produce energy the next morning and you may also need a potty break to unload all that unneeded food you consumed last night.

Running Myths

You don’t have to look like a Kenyan to be a runner. You only have to run.

2.      I don’t have a runner’s body, therefore, I can’t be a runner: You don’t have to look like a Kenyan to be successful runner. You may not win the Boston Marathon, but you don’t need it to be a considered a runner. There is one and only one parameter to measure your worthiness of being labeled as a runner: you must run. Skinny, overweight, tall, short, young, old, male, female, or in-between. It doesn’t matter. If you run, you are a runner.

 3.      The 10% rule: According to many experts and training gurus, you should never increase your mileage run more than 10% week over week. This is an urban myth from the 1980’s not based on science.  It is a guideline, not a rule. According to University of Houston Coach Steve Magness, this theory has been tested a couple of times and there was no decrease on injury rate based on this guideline, which is what this parameter is supposed to control. The amount of mileage an athlete can increase will depend on what their body structure and level of fitness are able to withstand, and this can change over time.

 4.      Only fast running will make you fast: It is intuitive to think that to run fast you need to train running fast. And fast running is an important part of the equation. But to maintain your speed during a long run, you need to train your aerobic system and teach your body to burn fat as fuel, which can only be done by not taxing the body into only using the immediate sources of energy (glycogen). No one is stating you only need to run slow, but you do need to make slow running part of your training to run fast.

 5.      Stretch before you run: Cold static stretching is not recommended when your muscles are unready for such a movement. It is a recipe for injury. Dynamic warm up moves such as lunges, leg swings, jogging in place and hip openers will get your muscles warmed up, your heart rate elevated and your core temperature ready for action. Stretching after your workout could be beneficial but it is not required. If it feels good, go for it .Personally, it makes me feel better, so I do it.

Running Myths

What may have made sense in the 1980s regarding the 10% rule or carbo loading, has already been disproved by science, yet the myths are still holding strong.

6.      If you have energy for a fast final kick, you didn’t give your all: When we kick at the end of a race to shave off a few seconds off the clock, push for that PR or pass that last few runners, it is not because we did not give our all out there. According to the Central Governor Theory by Tim Noakes, once the brain realizes we are almost there and it will not run out of resources, it unleashes the reserves. Therefore, usually, nobody dies at the end of a race. So feel free to kick at the end if you have it in you. It is your brain is giving you permission to do so.

 7.      VO2Max is the end-all measurement of performance: As popular as this measurement has become thanks to our Garmin watches giving us constant updates, what it measures is the maximum amount of oxygen our bodies can handle at maximum effort. If we don’t know what it means and what we can do with it, it becomes useless. And, by the way, VO2Max cannot be measured by an algorithm in your watch. So don’t overthink this one.

Did I miss anything?

Caffeine and Running

Caffeine and Running

By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro

 One of the rituals of my running group after our regular Saturday long run, is to have a coffee at a local Colombian bakery, located right in front of where we park to meet. We specifically chose that spot because of the great coffee this bakery serves. This is how we kick start the social side of our weekend and one of the elements that keep bringing our runners back. A couple of weeks ago I ran with a friend and the end I offered to buy her coffee, but she said she was detoxing from caffeine, so she would pass.

This had me thinking about the relationship between running and caffeine. Is it good? Is it bad? How much is too much? When should we consume it, or not?

I found an article by Pamela Misevich Bede, from March 2015, in the Runner’s World archives. The author’s credentials in dietetics seemed solid enough to take her word on the issue.

Caffeine and Running

Caffeine is the most widely available stimulant of the central nervous system in the world. It is legal and unregulated almost everywhere.

Before we get started, I want to state that while researching for this post I did not find any studies or articles by experts stating caffeine and running don’t mix. Quite the contrary, they pair pretty well. As usual, you need to follow your doctor’s instructions. If you shouldn’t be consuming caffeine for any reason, do not change that indication just because you are going for a run.

Caffeine is the most widely available stimulant of the central nervous system in the world. It is legal and unregulated almost everywhere. It is naturally found in the leaves and fruits of plants such as coffee, cacao and tea. You can also find it in soft drinks, energy drinks, gels, pills and many other products.

The benefits of consuming caffeine before and during your run go beyond just a jolt of energy to get you started and/or keep you moving. “Caffeine has a number of physiologic effects that can help improve athletic performance” says Misevich Bede. “It is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and is a mild stimulant that affects multiple organ systems”.

The benefits of using caffeine to stimulate your run include improvement of mental alertness, boosting of pain tolerance, enhancement of fat use as fuel (which extends the use of your finite storage of glycogen), and a possible increment in speed, among others.

But beware. You need to know how this additional stimulus affects your systems before you go overboard, especially during a race. Caffeine consumption can also cause gastrointestinal issues, headache, jitters, heartburn and increased urination, among others. So trial-and-error to figure out what works for you is a must. And, as always. what works for your friends is not necessarily what works for you.

Caffeine and Running

An 8 Oz cup of black tea has 30-80 mg of caffeine while a Starbucks espresso shot has about 75 mg. A cup of green tea has about 35-60mg/8oz.

According to the aforementioned article, 3-6 6mg/kg body weight (1.3-2.75 mg/lb.) is recommended for endurance exercise. It is important to note that with caffeine, more is not necessarily better. A higher dose does not correlate with better performance. Also, it is more effective if you abstain from caffeine consumption a few days before your running activity, but don’t forego your morning cup of coffee if you can’t function without it.

Since the mg/kg measuring unit is difficult gauge, put it in perspective by knowing an 8 Oz cup of black tea has 30-80 mg, depending on the brand and type, while a Starbucks espresso shot has about 75 mg. A cup of green tea has about 35-60mg/8oz.

Many runners depend on a mid-run consumption of caffeinated products to maintain their performance. Fortunately for them, running consumable products such as gels, gummies, beans and sports drinks, all have “spiked” options. They usually carry from 25-100 mg per serving. It is key to understand how much a serving is, so you don’t overdose, and thus, end up running for the bushes or with gastrointestinal discomfort.

There is nothing shady or illegal with a mid-run pick-me-upper. Most, if not all professional runners, openly use it. If you are not used to consuming caffeine but still want to reap its benefits with a mid-run pick-up, make sure you start with the smallest dose available, so you know how your body will respond. Once your body gets used to it, then figure out how much is enough. What works best for you, not for your friends.

And then, if you want to enjoy your post-run coffee with your buddies on a Saturday morning, I know of a great Colombian bakery in Dania Beach, Florida, and an amazing running group that I can recommend you.

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