By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro
Before we get started, I am disclosing I am not a doctor, and I am not giving medical advice. What you are about to read is just my personal experience mixed with light internet research.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are popular supplements used to treat osteoarthritis. About 6.5 million adults, or 2.6 percent of the population, have used one or both products
I’ve had issues with my left knee for a long time. It kept me from running for many years. It has always been my weakest link. But just like millions of runners, upon the recommendation of someone who I can no longer remember, I started taking glucosamine many years ago, and somehow, it kept the pain at bay and allowed me to keep running consistently for many years. This is my story, and I am sticking to it.
When I decided to give marathoning another try, as I was eyeing the New York City Marathon, I asked my doctor about Glucosamine. He told me there were no conclusive studies proving that it worked or that it didn’t. His professional recommendation was that if I thought it was beneficial to me, to keep taking it. If not, then don’t bother.
Glucosamine is not cheap. A bottle of the good stuff can go from $40-$50 for a few months’ supply. So, when it was time to replenish the stash, with cash in short supply at that particular time of the month and with the recent lecture from my doctor, I decided to skip it. A couple of weeks later, my knee started to hurt and other joints felt stiffer. How could this be? There was no proof! I ran to the drugstore, got my glucosamine and a week later, the pain was gone. This is all the research I need.

This is the brand I use and the results have been stellar. I don’t need much more research than that.
Then I thought: Of course! Why in the world would a drug company invest time, effort and millions of dollars researching the benefits of glucosamine when every drug store carries ten over-the-counter options from which you can purchase as many as you want, whenever you want? This is no moneymaker. No reason to invest just for the pure pursuit of knowledge. It works for me, and this is all I need to know. I am the research paper my doctor was unable to quote.
Glucosamine has been around since 1876. It is manufactured by processing a polymer from the shells of shellfish, shrimp, lobsters and crabs. It also comes from other animals such as cows and pigs. Newer versions made from fungi and fermented corn have been brought to market to cater the needs of vegetarian consumers.
Glucosamine is a dietary supplement, not a prescription drug. Because of regulations, in the US it is marketed as a supplement to support the structure and function of the joints. It is also directed to people with osteoarthritis. Tests have shown that you can consume up to 1500 mg per day with no adverse effects.
Glucosamine pills usually include a compound named chondroitin. According to WebMd, chondroitin is a substance that occurs naturally in the connective tissues of people and animals. As a supplement in higher doses than is found naturally, chondroitin is also a popular treatment for osteoarthritis. states that “glucosamine and chondroitin are popular supplements used to treat osteoarthritis. According to one estimate, 6.5 million adults, or 2.6 percent of the population, have used one or both products”.
Both glucosamine and chondroitin are usually found in healthy cartilage and have anti-inflammatory properties. “They also have some cartilage-protecting effects through a variety of different mechanisms,” says Chris D’Adamo, PhD, director of Research & Education at the University of Maryland School of Medicine Center for Integrative Medicine.
Glucosamine and chondroitin protect cells called chondrocytes, which help maintain cartilage structure. In theory, these supplements have the potential to slow cartilage deterioration in the joints, and to reduce pain in the process.
Sounds good to me!
I take the Kirkland brand with 1500 mg of glucosamine with 1200 mg of chondroitin, and it has worked for me. If I ever forget to take it for a few days or if my resupply delays, my body promptly reminds me. Once again, what additional research do I need?
Please don’t take medical advice from me. I am not a doctor, nor I wish to be one. Glucosamine with chondroitin works for me. If you have joint issues, I suggest you check with a real doctor and then give it a try.
It worked for my mom as well for years, and I’m starting to take it as my joints start to suffer from aging and my weight.
Thank you for your story!
Thank you for reading and for leaving a comment. As you can tell by the post, I’ve had a wonderful experience with this supplement, regardless of what the research papers may or may not say.
Good work Coach! Thanks for sharing your insights and experience for our benefit.
Good and helpful article. Thanks Adolfo!
Thank you, JC. I appreciate you reading and taking the time to leave a comment.
Great info! I’m going to have my mom ask her doctor about it to help her arthritis!! Thanks Adolfo!
This supplement has been key for my return to the asphalt and, as you can read there, I do feel the difference when I am not taking it.
Hola!!! Genial tu articulo!!!
Igual espero aceptes esta humilde recomendación: que controles tu dieta porque esa condición de degeneramiento articular es provocada por ácidos que lo carmonen… cuales? Pues habria que identificar en tu dieta si proviene del consumo de carnes, o de carbohidratos simples… o si simplemente es por deficiente funcionamiento del higado que esta implicado pues es el que procesa tanto alimentos como toxicos haciendo que a su vez el intestino cumpla su función, pero si el higado anda a media máquina el intestino se vuelve permeable dejando pasar al torrente sanguineo ácidos, alimentos mal digeridos y hasta flora mala que indefectiblemente afectan tus joints.
Me encanta que tengas un blog!!!
Yo aún no me animé.
Un abrazote!!!!
Well, like you said, “I am not a doctor” nor neither am I, but I have also taken Glucosamine especially for marathon training and it provides me with great results. It takes awhile to build up in your system but once you stop taking it, your body will give you slight signs such as an ache or joint pain. I think it works great for me, and my husband takes it as well. I have also recommended it to my father who is 76 and still runs marathons. Thanks for this post.
Thank you very much for sharing your experience with this supplement. It is my experience, too, that it does take a while to build up its power and you can feel when it is gone… I am glad you were able to relate to my post.
Thanks Adolfo. My mom takes it as well. I remember she gave me a couple of pills because she had a deal buy 1 get one I noticed it stated for joint pain, knee etc.
It is definitely not just for runners.
This is recommended across sports enthusuasts not just limited to runners. I used to order from Bodybuilding many a times. One caps is day is good enough