By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro

If you raced during the GPS watch era, you must have experienced the doubt of considering a race was mismeasured. Typically, it is a matter of not taking tangents or weaving around slower runners as you move. Big, established races rarely mess up this, but it does happen occasionally. The 1981 world record by Alberto Salazar was denied because the NYC Marathon proved to be 152.4 meters (500 feet) short when remeasured.

Mismeasured racecourse

As unsatisfying as it may be, some times race directors make mistakes measuring the course. Even in the NYC Marathon (Pexels)

Let’s get something clear: Your GPS watch is not the authority that certifies a course. Your GPS gives you an approximation, a guideline. No one is going to launch a ballistic missile or set up an oil rig in the North Sea based on the latest Garmin data on your wrist. The technology is amazing, sure, but it is not intended to be military-grade.

 No serious race will measure its course with a Garmin. Maybe a local small, local 5k, but nothing beyond that. I once met a runner who just came from the 2022 Berlin Marathon and complained she missed her PR because the course was long. I did not want to get into an argument with someone I barely knew, but if the course is good enough for Eliud Kipchoge to set a world record, it should be ok with you who ran just for fun.

Racecourses can run long or short. I read once that there are acceptable margins of error for them to go long, but not short. Last weekend I participated in a half marathon, and when I got to mile 12.5, with just one kilometer to go, I decided to push. It was the longest kilometer of my life. The course was long, per my GPS, by 0.5 miles. Many runners complained online that their watches were long from 0.4 to 0.7 miles. This is fishy, for sure. A few tenths here or there are normal. Or, if you run through a downtown with a canyon of high-rises, like the start of Chicago or the end of the Miami Marathon, then it is all out of whack. But that was not the case here.

 If you are interested in the procedures to measure and certify a racecourse, you can check the certifications procedure manual by USA Track and Field (USTAF) by clicking here

So, what happens to my PR? 

As far as I know, there are no established rules to govern this anomaly. I only speak by what, based on my experience of 100+ races, I would, and do: 

If I know the course is short, I will not take it as a PR. It is lying to myself. The first time I won my age group in a 5K was on a short course. As soon as I finished, I realized I lowered my previous mark by 1+ minute. I knew it was not possible. I took my age group win and gladly display my medal at home, but I won’t consider it my PR. I haven’t even gotten close to that one again. 

If a race is long, then too bad! I do not adjust my PR. I would take it if I established one despite the extra distance, but I won’t adjust it to where I crossed the half-marathon mark, or to the best 10K during my 10.5K run. The official records won’t adjust. If I am 100% sure the course was long, then I would try again.


Mismeasured racecourse

The leading peloton at the 2017 Venice Marathon realized they’ve screwed up and the local wins.

Additional considerations 

This may be a stretch for this blog post, but, since we are talking about racecourses, there is another point to consider. As a runner, it is my responsibility to know the path of my race. If you make a wrong turn, there is no time adjustment. If you cut the course (hopefully unintentionally), then it is for you to own the mistake and certainly not adjust a PR based on what it could have been.

 Most of my readers won’t be leading the pack in a race, but if you do, make sure you pay attention to your course. In 1994, German Silva was leading the NYC Marathon with half a mile to go when he followed the TV truck leaving the course. He turned around and was able to save the victory. Not so lucky were six runners in the leading peloton of the 2017 Venice Marathon, who followed the lead motorcycle after it made a wrong turn, opening the door for an Italian winner and a conspiracy theory.

I would like to know what your experiences with mismeasured racecourses and screwed PRs are. Let me know in the box below.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Between the time this article was written and the time it was published, the organization of the mismeasured race that prompted this post sent an email acknowledging the error, apologizing, and vowing it won’t happen again.

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