By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro

When it comes to setting running goals, my experience is that there is nothing like having a race on the schedule. One where you have already registered, paid and let everyone in your running circle know about it. It is what keeps me with something to look towards during any period of the year, especially the tough times. It doesn’t matter if the race is in a month or a year down the road. That said, goal setting is way more than spending $35 in your next 5K race or ponying up a few hundred bucks on your next Marathon Major.

In the realm of sports psychology, extensive research has revealed the profound influence of goal setting on athletes. A prominent figure in this field is Dr. Edwin Locke, a psychology professor at the University of Maryland, whose studies have significantly contributed to our understanding of goal-setting theory. In Chapter 4 of \”The Runner\’s Brain\”, a book by Dr. Jeff Brown and Liz Neporent, the authors explore Dr. Locke’s research, shedding light on how setting goals can transform running performance.

Goal Setting

This book is the source of this blog post. A good book well worth the money and time.

They identify four principles for goal setting:

Principle 1: Directed Attention – Goals serve as a compass, directing our attention towards specific aspects of our training. Whether it\’s completing a running loop in under an hour or improving pace, breathing, and form, setting goals sharpens our focus. Additionally, breaking down long-term goals into smaller milestones helps measure progress and brings a sense of achievement to our training.

Principle 2: Motivation – Goals provide the driving force that keeps us pushing forward. When we have a clear objective to work towards, we are more likely to stay enthusiastic and engaged throughout the training process. The pursuit of our goals gives us a purpose and ignites the determination needed to overcome challenges.

Principle 3: Celebrating Success – Viewing our efforts as a series of failures can be demoralizing. Setting long-term goals allows us to establish checkpoints along the way, creating multiple opportunities for success. Celebrating these smaller achievements transforms the feeling of missing the mark into a string of mini triumphs, boosting our confidence and motivation.

Principle 4: Continuous Learning – Goal setting propels us into the learning zone. It encourages us to explore new resources, equipment, and strategies to achieve our desired outcomes. As we seek innovative approaches, we develop new skills and expand our knowledge. Embracing new experiences and novel approaches improves our abilities and stimulates our brains, preparing us for future goals.

Now, as in everything in life, we must set limits. While goal setting plays a pivotal role in not just feeling like but becoming a successful runner, it is crucial to establish balance. Research suggests we should avoid an overemphasis on goals or setting unattainable targets, as they can lead to anxiety and a decline in self-assurance. Resilience and the ability to manage disappointment are integral to the goal-setting process.

We should also include backup goals in our training and recognize our achievements at various levels so you may stay motivated and derive satisfaction from our efforts. Remember, goal setting should be complemented by an appreciation of the journey, listening to your body, and finding joy in the process. When it is no longer fun, you will either stop running or burn out.

In conclusion: goal setting is not New Age mumbo-jumbo; it is a science-backed practice that may enhance your running performance if approached correctly. By embracing it, runners can unlock their full potential and achieve their best while maximizing the benefits of their training.

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