By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro
I set up my website sometime in 2019, so I could one day launch my coaching services business. But life, work and training got in the way and my two original blog posts stood there alone for quite a while. But, after having a wonderful experience coaching a handful of runners in the 2020 Miami Marathon, I decided to resuscitate my writing and wrote about it. Promoting the post through social media I was surprised to get a solid reaction in the running community and, from there, it just took off. 23 months later, and having missed only one week since, I am happy to announce you are currently reading the blog post number 100.

A sampling of some of the blog posts from earlier 2021.
These 100 blog posts have become my labor of love for running. I spend a lot of time looking for stories, reading books, magazines, talking to people in running forums or figuring out topics that will be of interest to the running community. Some friends have pointed me to remarkable people they know, and this is stories like “The Inspirational Story of Marie Bartoletti”, or “Running with Lymphoma” by Coach Annemarie McCormick Howell, were published. Both became some of the most read post.
Through the blog I met Coach Mia Braithwaite, who wrote “The Journey of the Fat Runner”, which is the most read post in the history of my blog. Mia’s story and passion about including athletes of all sizes into the running community got her a profile in the latest issue of Runner’s World Magazine.
Even though book reviews have not turned into the most popular posts, as I would have liked, I still enjoy reviewing running books, because if one day, someone can benefit from it, my effort will be worth. And suddenly, this came true the Christmas when a coaching client posted a book he just started reading. I replied letting him know it was a terrific book and he told me his wife visited my blog to find him a running book Christmas. My faith in book review posts has been rekindled, so be prepared for more.
The blog has allowed me to share information on the science of running, exercises, firsthand experiences about my running life, and recommendations to keep safe during challenging times. I have been lucky to have about 15 contributors in these two years. Runners who have graciously either written original pieces or gave me permission to repost their content. Special thanks to them.
In the last two years, 9515 readers have visited the blog, reaching its peak in April 2021 with 1,425. Visitors from the United States make up most of my readership and if someone can refer a runner in North Dakota to my blog, I can finally complete all 50 states. Canada, India, Venezuela, and United Kingdom complete the Top-5 geographic locations of my readers. Overall, visitors from 78 countries in six continents (nobody from Antarctica yet) have honored me with their visits. These include visits from faraway corners of the world such as Mauritius, Vietnam, Guernsey, Uganda, and Saudi Arabia.

9515 readers form 78 countries have visited within the last two years.
Twenty-eight of my 99 previous posts have reached at least 100 reads. This may mean nothing when compared with the big blogs around the world, but this is a one-person show and to know that my readers come back and find interesting running information about their sport, keeps me inspired to keep going.
I confess that at times I feel unmotivated, deflated, and wondering if my blog reaches enough runners to be meaningful. If it makes any difference or if it matters at all. But, from time to time, a runner goes out of its way to let me know they enjoy my blog, or leaves me a comment, or lets me know they applied something they read here to their running life, that one of my stories has inspired him/her, and I realize it is worth continuing.
So, as 2021 comes to an end, I want to thank every single person who read the first 100 posts of this blog, even if it was just once. It is because of you that I live to write another post.
Reaching this point certainly requires ingenuity, research, discipline and effort. Congratulations! Being 83 I do expect to still be here when the 200th issue is completed.
Hasta los que no corremos lo leemos y nos sentimos inspirados por tus post.
Be proud my friend, all this work is absolutely worth it of respect and admiration, a milestone in many to come!
I know for sure that over the time these posts are going to change many people lifestyles. They take a long time but they will. Perseverance is the key for success.
Excellent article Coach Adolfo. Yes! Your blogs are meaningful to many of us. I have read many of the 100 articles you have written and I always learn something new about running. Thank you for your passion and dedication to the running community.
Ivan Moreno
Another interesting & educational contribution to our running knowledge which always helps!
Thank you, Coach Adolfo for making us better athletes!
This is so awesome Coach! Quite a few of your blogs have definitely helped me! Others I find interesting and you know how much I love your running book recommendations! Thank you for all your hard work and commitment to the Running community!
Adolfo I enjoy reading them. I get behind at times. But I make it my business to catch up reading and applying.. I also pass it on/post some. I’m always learning. Thank you! Congratulations, keep going, writing, inspiring 👏🏽 ❤️ your labor is not in vain. The best is still yet to come. Blessings 🙌🏿
Thank you. It is comments like these the ones that keep me going when I wonder if all this effort is worth.