By Coach Marci Braithwaite

 I am Marci Braithwaite. I am a runner. I am a marathoner who has also completed many halves as well as nearly a hundred races of many distances, both virtually and in-person, over the last twelve years. I am an elementary school teacher, and I am a mother of two teenagers. I am a chapter leader of my local, 900-member She Runs This Town running group. I am the leader of a virtual community of new runners, and a USATF certified coach.

 I am also fat.

The Fat Runner

I use that word to describe myself because it is simply that – a descriptor (Photo by Patrick Krohn Photography.)

I use that word to describe myself because it is simply that – a descriptor. The word itself often causes an immediate reaction. When I use it, the occasional person will smile and say I’m brave. More often, people cringe and ask why I use that term: it’s an insult used by many to demean and diminish. To them I ask, “Why is fat demeaning? Does the fat on my body make me lesser than you? Does it diminish my accomplishments in any way? What about my fat makes you better than me?”

 Twelve years ago I started my running journey the way so many of us do, to lose weight. I thought my weight was the cause of my back pain at the time. It wasn’t (two pregnancies producing ten-pound babies tend to mess up your lower back). I did lose weight back then, but in the time since, and even through marathon training, running more than 40 miles per week, I gained it back. I’m at the same weight I was 12 years ago. I no longer have that back pain, which I attribute to strengthening my core and cross training. After more than a decade of consistent running and literally thousands of miles on my feet, I’m still fat.

 Through all that time, I started to notice something. People seemed to think that what I was doing was revolutionary. Running while fat? That’s not allowed. Fat people are sent that message every time someone yells, “Go faster, fatty!” when they’re on a run or walk, or made to feel uncomfortable, or that they don’t belong at the gym. The prevailing message is that fat people shouldn’t show themselves in the fitness arena, because you should only be visible if you’re thin and have an “acceptable” body type.

The Fat Runner

“I want people who look like me to realize that they do belong. That the shape of our bodies does not define us or our abilities (Photo: Marci Braithwaite)

Then I discovered Mirna Valerio. She is an ultrarunner and public speaker, a blogger, and the head of her own FatGirlRunning online community. One day I discovered a video she had made for REI, about an email she read while she was running a multi-hour endurance event. The email accused her of lying, that she wasn’t really running, that she didn’t actually finish the ultramarathons that she claimed to have finished. As I watched this video, which, again, was filmed while she was completing an endurance event, I realized that what she was doing, simply existing and doing incredibly badass things in her fat body, was exactly what I wanted to do, too.

 We don’t see fat runners on the roads and trails very often, do we? Why do you think that is? It’s definitely not because they don’t want to be there. Nor is it because fat people are inherently lazy. It’s a matter of access. When people like Mirna, a fat black woman, receive criticism and accusations of dishonesty for simply participating in an event that many thin people joined without a second thought, it should give you pause about the inclusivity of the running and outdoor community.

 I want to change that. I want people who look like me to realize that they do belong, both in the outdoors and in the running community. That the shape of our bodies does not define us or our abilities. That there is no definition of the word “runner” beyond “someone who completes a movement that involves both feet in the air at once during a stride.” There is no weight requirement, no speed requirement, or any definition that anyone must fit into for someone to be able to enjoy the outdoors and the running community.

 I’m Marci. I’m a fat runner and a fat running coach. I want you to join me on my running journey.

 For more information:
Facebook: Request an add to the group Fat Athletes
Instagram: @The_Fat_Athlete

EDITOR’S NOTE: The day before this entry was scheduled to post, Mirna Valerio, plus-size ultrarunner, author, and spokeswoman (mentioned earlier in this post), announced her partnership with Lululemon clothing, using the slogan, \”Running is for everyone who has a body and wants to run.\” Click here to see the announcement.


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