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By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro

A fellow runner recently sent me a meme titled “Ten Commandments for the Runner”. I thought it was spot on. I liked it for a future blog post. But, as I researched so I could credit the appropriate source, I found out that this is not the only set of Ten Commandments out there. Why should they? Many authors have delved into the subject.

So, to have some fun with it, here you have five sets of Runners Ten Commandment. It is important to note that I am not 100% in agreement with all that’s stated by these authors. I am just sharing their personal views and providing links for my readers to access the articles where these came from should they want additional info.

I was able to track the content of the meme that gave birth to this post, to an article in a website called It was published on May 5, 2015. Their Ten Commandments for runners are the following:

1-   Don’t compare yourself to others.

2-   Don’t ever say “I am not a runner”.

3-   Don’t skimp on sleep.

4-   Remember the “rest day” and keep it holy.

5-   Honor your muscles and your “aches and pains” and do not push through an injury.

6-   Don’t forget to hydrate.

7-   Don’t commit the sin of wearing cotton, especially on race day.

8-   Don’t ignore your shoes. Get yourself properly fitted and check for signs of wear.

9-   Don’t get stuck in a rut.

10- Don’t covet your neighbor’s medals.

 For the article with explanations on each commandment, click here.

Running Etiquette: The 10 Commandments

Published in the British newspaper The Guardian, on May 28, 2013. Written by Matt Kurton.

1-   Thou shalt nod hello.

2-   Thou shalt commute considerately.

3-   Thou shalt not flaunt your phlegm.

4-   Thou shalt share the path.

5-   Thou shalt dress with dignity.

6-   Though shalt not litter.

7-   Thou shalt be realistic on race day.

8-   Thou shalt have a bit of common sense.

9-   Thou shalt say thank you to marshals

10- Thou shalt not take yourself too seriously

 For the article with explanations on each commandment, click here.

 The 10 Commandments of Injury Prevention

Published in Train Runner Magazine, on May 24, 2021. Written by Vic Brown

1-   Rest and recover.

2-   Incorporate recovery techniques.

3-   Sleep.

4-   Consume post-exercise fuel.

5-   Warm up and cool down (every time).

6-   Integrate strength training.

7-   Use proper equipment.

8-   Increase training gradually.

9-   Interval training.

10- Know that more (recovery) is always better.

 For the full article with explanations on each commandment, click here.

The 10 Commandments of Healthy Running

Published in on September 14, 2021. Written by Joe Uhan, a physical therapist, coach, and ultrarunner.

1-   Find and maintain your stride.

2-   Balance Hard and Easy Training.

3-   Stay Mobile.

4-   Activate Your Core-Stability System.

5-   Run Fast Before Running Far.

6-   Stress Then Rest.

7-   Diversify Activity.

8-   Stay Consistent.

9-   Remember the One-Bucket Rule.

10- Obtain Consistent Treatment from a Family Orthopedist.

For the full article with explanations on each commandment, click here. This is a great article, as it includes links to resources on each one of the commandments.

In the article “Follow These 10 Commandments of Running”, published by Women’s Running magazine on April 12, 2017, author Brian Goldman lists the following:

1-           Pick up your trash, especially in a race.

2-           It is common courtesy to at least give a head nod as you pass another runner.

3-           Your music is for you.

4-           Don’t play chicken with someone on a bicycle.

5-           If your shoe comes untied or you need to take a phone call, move off the path or road.

6-           Always go to the bathroom before you start your run.

7-           If you are going to run in a bike lane (on a road), face oncoming traffic.

8-           Don’t overdo it on the perfume.

9-           If your race is going through a residential neighborhood and kids are lining up along the sidewalk, give them a high five.

10-        I have no problem with snot rockets or spitting while you run but look before you blow!

 For the full article with explanations on each commandment, click here.

Any additions? Let me know by leaving a comment, below.