By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro
As you prepare to reap the benefits of your hard weeks of training. Or you may be wondering if you have done enough to hit the starting line in PR shape. Or as you realize you have screwed up your training and will have to wing it. If you plan to race hard, or long, you will need to taper.
Taper (or tapering) is the label commonly used to identify the short training cycle between the end of our race-focused training cycle and race day. The word taper is an intransitive verb. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it means \”to become progressively smaller toward one end. To diminish gradually.\” In running, that\’s exactly what we are referring to. We start reducing our workload as race day approaches. But why?
Our bodies usually take 14-20 days to adapt to whatever we do in training. If we ran 20 miles today, we are not better for it tomorrow. As our body recovers, it adapts to the benefits of such stressful events and thus becomes stronger. This is why whatever we do in the last two, maybe three weeks before race day, will be of little or no benefit.
There is nothing to gain during taper, but everything to lose. Many races have been ruined by not taking the taper seriously. Don\’t become a victim.
Meb Keflezighi has a great quote that epitomizes the last few paragraphs: \”It is better to be 90% ready and make it to the starting line than panic and become overtrained or be unable to start the race.\”
According to Jess Movold, in a 2024 article in Runner\’s World magazine: \”Tapering is one of the most critical parts of any marathon training plan, but in many cases, it\’s also one of the hardest to implement. Ever heard of the taper tantrums? \”
In my personal experience, I\’ve felt better with a 2-week taper. But if the fatigue accumulation really beats you up and feel like another long run will destroy you more than help you, an additional week is beneficial.
Theories abound about how to handle the taper, but the scope of this blog post does not include analyzing any models. It wants to point out a handful of errors and misconceptions you may incur that will eventually negate your training gains.
While on taper, be on the lookout for the following so you don\’t ruin your race:

I know I picked this up from Instagram, but I don’t know the source I should credit.
1. Follow the original plan: If you got here with your plan, then this is not the time to improvise, regardless of how confident you are or not about attaining your goal.
2. Don\’t try one more long run: There is no place for it. It will add to the fatigue, hinder your recovery and won\’t produce adaptations in time for race day.
3. Focus on nutrition: Avoid detoxes, new supplements, weight-shedding schemes, carb unloading/loading protocols, and indulgent eating. Eat clean and enough.
4. Tapering means you are still training: You shouldn\’t think you can stop because it\’s tapering. It is still part of the training program, and it requires work.
5. Manage your excess energy: With the decrease in activity, as your body rests and recovers, you will bounce off the walls. Expect it and control it.
6. Take the extra sleep: Your body is repairing itself, so it may ask for more sleep than usual. Don\’t skimp on sleep. It is the best recovery tool.
7. Control your training effort: Because you\’ll feel energized, compared with the last few months, it is easy to push harder and even perform your race effort before the actual race. Don\’t!
8. Focus on the main goal: Everything you do must serve your race. This is not the time to try new stretches, foods, gels, shoes, or routines. Stick to what has worked so far.
9. Strengthen your immune system: Your body is working overtime to repair itself, so your immune system is low. Be proactive. It is no time to get sick.
10. Tread carefully: Be extra cautious as you transit through life. Don\’t take unnecessary risks. Don\’t climb ladders, jump the sidewalks, text while walking, or rearrange furniture. All that can wait.
Please like this post and share any recommendations from your previous experiences in the box below. Let\’s build a community of informed and prepared runners.
Excellent as always coach!!!!
Timely article for this marathon season and very useful suggestions!!!
Loved the “Tapering Marathoner Warning” totally identified, a perfect description of all the thoughts that flow through my mind during tapering. Don’t doubt that suggestion number 10 is directed to me!!! 🤣
Number 10 was definitely inspired on you.
Gonna need you to remind me of this come Jan! 🙃
The best stage of the ‘race-focused training cycle’, I’m looking forward this.
Excellent post