By Coach Nick Bonnedahl

The following is a post I recently read in LinkedIn, from the pen of Coach Nick Bonnedahl. It is short, to the point, and it touches on an issue that affects so many runners. It mirrors the way I think about coaching certain athletes, but Coach Bonnedahl, beat me to it and wrote it first.

I Do Not Want to Coach You

Blog post reposted by persmission of Coach Nick Bonnedahl

What he states in the post affects so many runners just looking for a quick solution to their athletic problems. It reflects the reality of those who complain the coach is not doing his job because they are not progressing. It echoes the mindset of those who can’t reach their goals, so it must be somebody else’s fault.

With the author’s permission, I am reproducing his post here.

I do not want to coach you if…

  • You are looking for a quick-fix.

  • You like to cut corners and look for a magical pill.

  • You are unprepared to put down some work and ready to go for it.

  • You are not ready to invest in yourself emotionally.

  • You are not doing it for yourself but for someone else.

  • You come with excuses, not turning up.

  • You blame others or events instead of the real reason (YOU).

  • You are not honest with yourself.

    But, if you are someone that wants to get the result and work for it, ready to change habits and routines, prepared to invest in yourself to feel better, younger, and happier. If you want to get into/back to running, want to lose some weight, getting motivated, inspired, having accountability, getting coached in a fun way, physically and mentally for long-term results and changes, drop me a message to see if you are a fit.

Nick Bonnedahl is a qualified running coach, ultra-running coach, personal trainer and weight loss specialist based in Thailand.

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