By Michael D’Aulerio*

Dear New Running ShoesYou may not understand what’s about to take place. There’s a great deal of wear and tear coming your way.

Ups and downs, countless miles, and a whole lot of struggle.

However, I can promise you that if you stick with me . . . in the end . . . when you are completely broken, worn down, and beaten . . . when layer upon layer comes off . . . a funny thing happens.

With less, you will feel more.

…and you will experience a profound wholeness that you never knew existed, safe and enclosed, back in your original little box.

It’s going to be a beautiful struggle of a journey, but a journey worth taking.

Will it be easy? No, every step can be a painful step to the finish.

But will it be worth it?

YES, every step of the way . . .

With much love and gratitude,

~The One from Above You, Running with You, Every Step of the Way

Published in this blog with permission from the author.
A passage from his new book “Mindful Ultramarathon Running”.

* Michael D’Aulerio is an accomplished ultrarunner and author. A dad, husband, sales professional, a brand ambassador athlete, and has completed over 50 ultras. You can follow him in Instagram at @longrunliving.

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