The Art of the Finish Line Photo
By Coach Adolfo Salgueiro A few of my running buddies have asked me through the years how it is possible that I always look good in the finishing pictures of my races. Even if I don’t have a good race. I don’t “always” look good in my finishing pictures, but do I have...
A Lesson from Each Marathon
Each marathon has a different narrative and run/life lesson. Here is what I’ve learned from my 12 marathon finishes – a 5-minute read
Focus on the Running Journey
While setting goals is essential, running is a lifelong journey with no final destination—an ongoing pursuit of excellence – a 2-minute read.
Setting Goals for the New Year
As a brand new year dawns on us, we must set up our goals to ensure they can be achieved – a 3-minute read.
Mastering the Mile-Repeat Workout
Master mile repeats to improve endurance, speed, race pace, and running efficiency effectively – a 4-minute read.
Night Running Basics: Tips to Keep You Seen and Secure
When it comes to running in the dark, visibility is not just mandatory, but your responsibility – a 3-minute read.
Failure and Running Growth
Tools to turn the inevitable failures in our running into opportunities for personal growth – a 3 minute read.
Should I Run With a GPS Watch?
A GPS watch is a formidable tool, but what kind of runner should not wear it for certain runs? – A 4-minute read.
Book Review: The Great Grete Waitz
Discover the inspiring life of Grete Waitz in this eBook, featuring eight Runner’s World articles. – a 3-minute read.
Taper: Nothing to Win, Everything to Lose
Tapering is a critical component of every training cycle. Don\’t ruin your race by mishandling it – a 3-minute read.
Tips for Out-of-Town Racing
Traveling for a marathon? These essential tips will help you balance race day priorities and adventure for a successful trip! – A 4 minute read.
Optimism vs. Wishful Thinking
Optimism in running motivates progress, but wishful thinking leads to setbacks. Learn to distinguish the two for success – a 4-minute read
Building Your Aerobic Base
Building a strong aerobic base is crucial for marathon success, emphasizing patience, consistency, and proper pacing – A 3-minute read.
Speedwork: Track or Road?
The benefits and drawbacks of speedwork on track versus road. Which environment best suits your goals?- A 3-minute read.
Should I Run Through Pain?
Aches and pains are a normal part of running, but when should we push through and when should we stop? – a 3-minute read
Reframing Your Thoughts to Improve Your Runs
Experience immediate improvement by identifying and replacing negative thoughts – 4-minute read.
A GPS Watch Shouldn’t Rule Your Running
The GPS watch is a wonderful tool, but for many, it has overtaken our running and stolen the fun – a 3-minute read.
Book Review: Marathon Woman
A first-person account of Kathrine Switzer’s journey that every runner, especially women, should know – a 3-minute read.
11 Tips for Your Summer Running
Adapting to summer running is the name of the game; It will keep you safe, progressing, and ready for the racing season – 4-minute read.
Running is Therapeutic, Not Therapy
Running helps manage anxiety and boosts mental clarity, but it can\’t replace therapy. Read Elizbeth’s first-person account – 4-minute read.
Heat Exhaustion Vs. Heatstroke
Being prepared for the hotter temperatures and learning to identify heat-related illnesses, can prevent a tragedy – 4 -minute read
Thoughts from a Coaching Role Model
A personal reflection on three thoughts from Steve Magness, one of my coaching role models – 3-minute read.
Runners’ Ten Commandments
When it comes to running rules, many authors have delved into the Runner Ten Commandments – a 3-minute read.
Book Review: The Ghost Runner
A talented runner unable to compete due to the hypocrisy of British amateur sports in the 1950s and 60s – a 3-minute read.
The Cardinal Sin for the Novice Runner
Too much, too fast, too soon. The recipe for a novice runner to get injured or burned out – a 3-minute read
When a Racecourse is Mismeasured
Racecourse distances are sometimes misjudged, leaving us ungratified. So, what to do with that PR – a 3-minute read.
The Changing Landscape of Running as We Age
Every runner will eventually face the point when he/she realizes what was normal can no longer be matched. Adjust or perish. A 4-minute read.
On Running Shoe Rotation
Alternating several pairs of shoes will improve your running and will be cheaper in the long run – 4-minute read,
An AI-Generated Running Story
A running story told by Windows Copilot based on an image. Truly remarkable – a 2-minute read.
Running Resolutions for 2024
As we face a brand new year, we better have an idea of what we want to accomplish so we don’t find ourselves wasting it – 3-minute read.
End of a Challenging Running Year
As 2024 dawns on us, I evaluate my less-that-stellar 2023 running year. – 4-minute read
On Hitting the Wall
Your body doesn’t have the resources for a marathon. Nurture it properly so you don’t figure out why it’s called “hitting the wall” – 3-minute read
Overcoming Runners Data Overload
It is great to have access to tons of running information, but we must limit ourselves to what we understand, so we don’t become slaves to it. 4-Minute read.
From Zero to Marathoner in One Year
With determination, Grace P. went from wanting to run to finishing her first marathon in just one year – 5 minute read.
Balancing Running and Life: Finding Perspective
You may be fully committed to your running, but keeping it in balance with your life is as important as lacing up those shoes and going for a run. – 4-minute read
Book Review – “We Share the Sun”
The incredible journey of Kenya\’s legendary coach Patrick Sang and the fastest runners on Earth. 3-Minute read.
When You’re Stubborn and Don’t Listen to Your Body
A guest perspective by journalist Javier Mota, who ended up injured after a 1000+ day running streak – 6-minute read.
Learning the Hard Way
Even the most experienced runners eventually screw up. These are 8 ways to avoid learning the lesson at an inconvenient time in your training. 4-minute read.
The Power of Goal Setting
Goal-setting may be the key to keeping runners focused during difficult times in their training. – 3-minute read.
Coach Adolfo Featured in VoyageMIA Magazine
Coach Adolfo was featured in the Miami’s Most Inspiring Stories section – 5 minute read
When You Must Withdraw from Your Marathon
Diligence in your training doesn’t always translate into success. So, sometimes you must withdraw from your marathon and reassess – 4-minute read
On Runners’ Mental Toughness
The days of no-pain-no-gain are over. There is a new definition for mental toughness – 4-minute read.
Heat Exhaustion Vs. Heatstroke (Repost)
As we enter the hot weather in the Northern Hemisphere, knowing the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke can save lives – 4 minute read.
Running in Extreme Heat
It is feasible to train during the hot and muggy months, but it requires know how and a lot of patience. 3-minute read.
13 Tips for Summer Running
With summer around the corner, we must adjust our running to keep ourselves safe. Here are 13 tips for doing so – 3-minute read.
5 Tips to “Train Like Kipchoge (Sorta)”,
The latest Runner’s World issue includes 5 Kipchoge training tips we can adjust to our mortal selves – 4-minute read
Book Review: Your Best Stride
A book by Jonathan Beverly. A terrific value, both in terms of time and money. – 3-minute read.
Coach Adolfo Featured in a Runner’s World Article
He was the source for the “How to Pace a 5K So You Can Hit Your PR” article. 1-minute read.