Adolfo Salgueiro, head coach at, was featured last week in the “My Running Life” section of Runner’s World . The article ran last Sunday, March 21, 2021, and did so online.
In the piece Salgueiro talks about his dad as his running role model, the hardest race of his life and recommends a couple of recent Runner’s World articles that he liked.

Click on the image to go to the Runner’s World Profile
“This is quite an honor,” said Salgueiro. “Even if you don’t read it, every runner know what Runner’s World is. I started reading the magazine back in the early 1980s, usually passed down from my dad or my Uncle Raul, who was also a runner. The fact that they chose me to be featured in this section is one of the highlights of my running career.”
Runner\’s World is a globally circulated bi-monthly magazine for runners of all skills sets, published by Hearst, in the United States. It is widely considered one of the main and most respected news sources on the sport. It has been published since 1966. In the 1990s expanded by launching editions in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and Turkey, either as joint ventures or through licensing arrangements with publishers in those countries.
Adolfo Salgueiro, 55, started running in his childhood, accompanying his dad in the late 1970s. He caught the running bug in his early teens and ran his first marathon at age 17, completing the distance four times by the age of 20, with a PR of 3:32:08. After a long hiatus, he returned to the asphalt in 2012. Overall he has participated in over 100 races, including 10 marathons and 40+ halves. He has competed as a runner, racewalker and in the run/walk modality. He is a Level II Certified Running Coach accredited by the Road Runners Clubs of America (RRCA).
To Check out the posting in, you can click here.
This is so cool! Congratulations
Love you both ♥️ (sr and jr)
My very first “race” was with A Salgueiro Sr. It was a race between the two of us in 1986. I lost it but I won an everlasting friendship with him and all his family.
Even though I wasn’t there, this is a big story in my family. Unbelievable that you became a family friend through running.
Well done my friend!
What an honour to be featured in this magazine! ❤️ xxxx
It is indeed an honor. Quite an honor. I have been blessed by this profile.
This is SO COOL! Congrats!
I still have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming. This is way to cool.
I’m going to go grab a copy! Congratulations, coach!!!
Thank you, Amanda. I appreciate your comment and support. So far it is only online. I guess we will have to wait for the next issue to see if I make it into the print version.
That’s awesome Coach!!! Congratulations! I gotta grab my copy as well!
Thank you, Rhonda. I appreciate your comment and support. So far it is only online. I guess we will have to wait for the next issue to see if I make it into the print version.
Awesome!!! We all owe a big thanks to your dad.
Thank you for this. I will make sure my dad reads it.
Me encat esa foto tan significativa y emotiva con tu padre!! Felicidades para ambos.
Gracias, amiga. Aprecio tu comentario, tu apoyo y tu amistade da casi 50 anos.
Todos sabemos lo mucho que te has esforzado por esta pasión tuya que es correr! Sigue adelante y me alegra muchisimo que te lo reconozcan! Felicitaciones my friend! Estoy orgullosa de ti! 🙌🏻
Mil gracias por tu comentario y por tomarte el tiempo de leer mi post.
Excelente Adolfo. Cada día más orgullosa de ti ❤️💕
Muchas gracias por tu constante apoyo. SIn ese apoyo, nada de esto seria posible.
u deserve it pa. proud of u. ♥️
Thank you, My love! It means a lot to me that you left this message.
I will happily autograph your running shoes next time you run with us (hahaha)… Thank you for your comment and your friendship. They are both highly regarded.
You rock!!!! I’m so happy for you. Well deserved, you’re such a great person, love people, enjoys what you do, always helping and inspiring. So happy your dad got you into this sport and you love it and now passing your expertise expertise to others. God bless you. Congratulations, the best is still yet to come. Oh, you’re famous can I have your autograph.. (smiles) 😃Ethel Belair
Muy orgullosa de tener un primo tan famoso!!
No se si "famoso" sera la etiqueta adecuada, pero aprecio que asi lo pienses.. jajaja.