Runner’s World Magazine, the reference media outlet for the running community for over 50 years, ran an article on April 27, titled “How to Pace a 5K So You Can Hit Your PR”. It was written by Stephen Sheehan. The expert quoted throughout the narrative was Coach Adolfo Salgueiro, head coach at Foultips.Run.

 “I have been a Runner’s World reader since the early 1980s,” Stated Coach Salgueiro. “Being able to contribute to one of their articles is a dream come true. The fact they wanted my expertise on the subject is a statement to the value of the decades of experience and preparation I’ve put into this passion of mine.”

Runner's World

 This is the second time Coach Adolfo has been in Runner’s World. A summary on his running career ran back in March 2021.

To read the full Runner’s World article you may click here.

 Be aware that Runner’s World has a limit on the number of free articles non-members can read a month. If you have exceeded such a number, you may have to come back next month to read it. Or contact me and I will send you a PDF version.

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