Carlos Coste is a world-class, high-performance athlete, 12-time world record breaker in the disciplines of apnea and free diving. In the last two years, the Venezuelan born athlete has ventured into the running scene with the goal of competing in the Zion 50K Ultramarathon, in Utah. A few setbacks and a bout of Covid forced the cancellation of his plan, twice, yet he still persevered. Last month, he finished a 50K ultra in Bonaire.

Running 50K in Bonaire, to make up for the Zion 50K Ultra in Utah.
“I am still a beginner in this ultra-running thing”, stated Coste. “In my first year I was coached by a friend who helped me in the transition to trail running and long distances. But then I realized I needed a coach with the experience and technical knowledge to get me to the next level. A common friend recommended Coach Adolfo Salgueiro, from I researched his background, certifications, and experience, and decided to give it a go. We connected online and started working right away.”
Coste’s training presented a few challenges from the start. He lives in the Caribbean island of Bonaire, at sea level, and his race was in Utah, starting at 3500 feet and going up from there. Also, Mr. Coste runs a successful apnea school in Bonaire, and he works with his physique on an everyday basis, so, the running is an addition to his body demands. On top of this, it was the thick of the Covid pandemic. A flexible and constantly adjusted training plan was paramount for him to reach his goals.
“During the training season there were issues with timing, small nagging injuries and this Covid thing that has affected us all” continued Coste. Coach Adolfo helped me with a fluid adjustment of the training plan. We were using a phone app that allowed us instant feedback and immediate adjustment of the work when needed. It was the perfect way to work virtually.”

Carlos and Coach Adolfo before a run in Miami Beach, in late May 2021
Amid the training, Coste contracted Covid. A mild case, thankfully, but Covid, nevertheless. Once he was cleared to continue, the focus of his training had a dramatic shift, from “let’s do great” to “let’s just finish”. As if this wasn’t challenge enough, logistics and lockdown prevented him to travel to his race. So, despite the frustration and with the help of the local running community, a 50K ultra was improvised.
“I felt great during the race,” explains Coste. “First 35-40K were exceptionally good. We started at 4 AM and it was amazing to run in the desert through the night. The heat in Bonaire hit me hard after dawn so the last 10K were rough. I had to combine run and walk, but that’s what I was expecting.”
Despite the two cancellations of his Zion 50K Ultra, which was his goal for both 2020 and 2021, and the multiple adversities he had to face during training, this word-record breaker maintains his enthusiasm for running and is ready to give it a go for 2022.
“This was just my 2nd Ultra -he concluded- And for next year I am already looking forward to running in Zion. I am already talking with Coach Adolfo so after I recover, we can start the training cycle as soon as possible.”
You can follow Carlos Coste in Instagram (@carloscoste1) and by Strava . For more information on his athletic achievements, you can visit his website at
Way to go coach! Maybe Carlos is not a household name but he’s the GOAT of the sport. He’s the Tom Brady, Michael Phelps or Lebron James of freediving
Amazing!!! Congratulations to you both!!!!
Great job! A pesar de todas las dificultades que se presentaron en el camino, lo logró y va por más!! Congrats!!
what an amazing athlete! His free diving record is incredible!
I would venture to say that this one is the most interesting and professionally descriptive of all the entries in your podcast – It shall be interesting to learn how a training at sea level can be adapted to a 3500 feet race.
Wow!!!! Que nivel de atleta….. congrats to him and his wonderful coach!!!!!
La constancia y el empeño prevalecieron junto a un excelente entrenador y un maravilloso deportista venezolano. Felicidades!!
Exelente experiencia. Exitos a los dos
Congratulations 👏🏿yaaay!!! Love it, so happy you got better, pushed through despite COVID, ran your race and finished. Congratulations to you as well Coaxch Adolfo
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