Adolfo Salgueiro, head coach at, was featured last week in the “My Running Life” section of Runner’s World . The article ran last Sunday, March 21, 2021, and did so online.

In the piece Salgueiro talks about his dad as his running role model, the hardest race of his life and recommends a couple of recent Runner’s World articles that he liked.

Runner's World

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“This is quite an honor,” said Salgueiro. “Even if you don’t read it, every runner know what Runner’s World is. I started reading the magazine back in the early 1980s, usually passed down from my dad or my Uncle Raul, who was also a runner. The fact that they chose me to be featured in this section is one of the highlights of my running career.”

Runner\’s World is a globally circulated bi-monthly magazine for runners of all skills sets, published by Hearst, in the United States. It is widely considered one of the main and most respected news sources on the sport. It has been published since 1966. In the 1990s expanded by launching editions in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and Turkey, either as joint ventures or through licensing arrangements with publishers in those countries.

Adolfo Salgueiro, 55, started running in his childhood, accompanying his dad in the late 1970s. He caught the running bug in his early teens and ran his first marathon at age 17, completing the distance four times by the age of 20, with a PR of 3:32:08. After a long hiatus, he returned to the asphalt in 2012. Overall he has participated in over 100 races, including 10 marathons and 40+ halves. He has competed as a runner, racewalker and in the run/walk modality. He is a Level II Certified Running Coach accredited by the Road Runners Clubs of America (RRCA).

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