By Starr Davis

Editorial note: Last week we talked about the Abbott World Marathon Majors Series. This week, my friend Starr Davis tells her account of achieving the milestone despite some physical problems she encountered along her journey.

For me, 2018 was the year of comebacks. In October 2017, I began having hip issues. Surgery was recommended to remove a bone spur and repair/replace the labrum. My surgeon and I decided because I had amazing marathons ahead of me, we would postpone surgery until after I finished them. Then, he would be able to repair any additional damage. We weren’t sure if this would end my running career. From October through December 2017, I ran the Chicago, Marine Corps, Berlin and Havana marathons, plus a 50K Ultra Marathon.

Six-Star Finisher

Starr at the iconic finish line of the Berlin Marathon.

Still postponing surgery, in April 2018, I was able to complete both the Boston and London Marathons. Boston was a challenge as temperatures were in the 30’s with constant rain.  I wound up in 11 medical tents with hypothermia symptoms. However, because I had raised $6500 for charity from friends and I knew this was my one opportunity to do Boston, I finished the race.

Six days later, I ran the London marathon. The temperature was in the 80s. Between the contrast in weather and my hip, I wound up walking the marathon from mile 8. But I was totally overjoyed to complete two races in 6 days.

Three weeks later, I had hip surgery. I was truly fortunate that it was not as major as anticipated—the labrum wasn’t torn but had a bone spur sticking out of it that was labor intensive to remove. Of course, when I woke up, my first question was “when can I run?” I had been offered a sponsorship race entry to the NYC Marathon in November, and I really wanted to do it. I was told that running it would be impossible, but I should be able to walk it.

Six-Star Finisher

Receiving the coveted Six Starr medal after finishing Tokyo in 2019

Twenty-four weeks after surgery, I was able to walk the NYC marathon. My body had done so much better than I expected. There were hours and hours of therapy and minimal training. I feel so blessed to have been able to have the “perfect” conditions. I was joking with doctors that Boston was too cold and wet; London was too hot and finally, New York was “just right.” He has now nicknamed me “Goldilocks.”

I ran the Tokyo Marathon just March 3rd of this year, and it was epic, albeit miserable race conditions. It was 43 degrees with constant rain—but it was 8 degrees warmer than Boston and rain was coming straight down instead of at an angle.

Let’s focus on the good things. After Tokyo, I became an Abbott World Marathon Majors Six Star Finisher. What does that mean?  I am one of 4,989 people in the world who have successfully completed the six major world marathons: Berlin, Chicago, New York, Boston, London and Tokyo.  Of these finishers, 1,376 are women and 929 are from the USA.  I’m so over the moon that I was able to successfully complete this, especially as a 50-year old who overcame crazy health challenges.

That stretch of 19 months of running was amazing for me—they’ve given me the opportunity to meet amazing new people, travel to great locations and most importantly, change my attitude of what can be accomplished. I have changed my eating habits and developed a better relationship with myself. It’s amazing what running some miles can do for you.

Starr Davis is a lifelong educator who has a passion for helping others grow in their career. She earned the coveted Six-Starr medal in 2019. She lives in South Florida and is a newly retired marathon runner.

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