By Bernardo Garcia Carrillo

Pandemic Running

Bernardo running on his home treadmill during the Canadian winter

Let’s say you’re going through your second winter since you moved to Canada.  It’s -30C (-22F) outside, you’re not that tough (I’ve seen people running outside at -4F) and you have no choice but to use the dusty treadmill.  You don’t love it but you’re not fond of gyms, either so you stay home and run in front of the TV.  It can be quite boring even if you’re watching a good show.

Then, the new reality of the pandemic hits us all and we are forced to spend even more time indoors.  You’re thankful that you are staying healthy and that spring is finally arriving… and then you go out for the first run in the open, after a very long time, at the end of a long winter. Your head is suddenly filled with heavy thoughts.  

And this is what you find:

  • Pandemic Running

    View out of Bernardo’s window on March 30th, 2020

    The sun and the wind in your face feel as good as ever.

  • It’s lunchtime during isolation and you can smell what they’re cooking in nearly every house you pass by.  It’s a feast!

  • You’re enjoying yourself so much that you just don’t want to keep track of distance, time, pace or heart rate.

  • When you finally check your watch you realize that your performance is way better than it was the day before on the treadmill. 

  • You feel like you have wings on your feet, which comes as a surprise as you’re supposed to put more effort when you run on the asphalt than the treadmill.

Bear in mind that I’m not what you can call an avid runner.  I have never been really that consistent, but in days like this I can fully understand Adolfo’s passion about running.  I remember something he told me a while ago about this thing called “runner’s high”. I think it makes sense now.

Bernardo Garcia Carrillo lives in Calgary, Canada. He has been training under Coach Adolfo Salgueiro since 2016.


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